Monday, January 12, 2015

on losing weight: one year on, six stone lighter

A year ago, today, I made the decision to lose weight - I knew I'd gained a lot of weight over Christmas, so on the 1st of January I made a 'resolution' to try and get a bit fitter, but I sort of felt at the back of my mind that it wouldn't really stick. Stupid, I know. But then I had one of those 'light-bulb moments' - I was on a mini-break in Scotland with my friend, and I was struggling to keep up with her. I kept blaming it on my shoes, on the cobbles, on the Edinburgh hills, but really it was my bad health and I just wanted to be able to do the things that she did so easily. 

I've had a life-long struggle with weight which I've started to document here, but something about this realisation felt pretty permanent. I made a note to myself, on my phone, that I have saved to this day, on the 12th of January at 23:59PM, that was a little reminder of how shit I felt, about my health, and how I needed to do something about it.

The next day, I came home from Edinburgh and I joined my local Curves gym - I'd been there before, and I really enjoy the women-only nature of it all, and how it suits my lifestyle - a 30 minute work-out is easy to fit in, the girls there are so lovely and genuine, and there is just no judgement involved. I've ventured into regular gyms before, and I won't lie, I don't like being around men in that environment, it makes me uncomfortable. Me and my mum got out our recipe books, and sat down and made plans, talked about what we could have for lunch and how to keep motivated, how to make our own recipes healthier. I didn't stop baking, either, there's been plenty of that on this blog this year!

But, somehow, all of it worked...

I say that like I shed 6-stone overnight, which I in no-way did, and I'm still losing weight now, still want to lose a lot more. But I'm still sort of shocked, I'll be honest, that I enjoy eating healthier and losing weight, that yesterday I willingly went for a run in the freezing cold wind with a bit of a hangover...

It's really hard work, but it's really interesting also, to see how your body changes and your strength improves, how your attitudes towards things change, and how you realise you can do a lot more than you ever thought you could. My first run yesterday was horrible and so bad, and I had to walk a lot of it, but I think about that first work-out I did when I got back from Scotland and how I was so red and sweaty and unable to move the next day, from something that is now just part of my routine... and I think maybe in another year, I'll be able to run a 5k. In 2 years I'll be to run a 10k, or more. In 3 years I could be so freaking strong, I could be a machine! Just kidding, sort of, but hopefully you get the point!

So, if you think that new years resolutions don't work, or that you could never make that big of a lifestyle change and have it stick, then maybe rethink that shit, because it's so fucking cool to know what your body can do and to learn your limits.

[Side note: I know these pictures aren't the best before and after photos, but this isn't really about that. Also, this isn't even an after photo, it's just a photo of me, a bit less heavy and a lot healthier! And I know that these kind of photos can be triggering, so I apologise for that, too. I'm also making a very stupid face in the second photo, but I wanted to get this post up, and also, do you like my new sweater? Got it in the sale!]


  1. Yay, yay, yay! Congrats, girl friend, this is so incredibly awesome. How rewarding and empowering to see something through like that, especially when it comes with to your health. You look absolutely amazing and I'll bet you feel even better :)

    After I have slacked off the last year, I recently joined a kickboxing gym and am hoping I'm able to get back into shape and watch a couple of those extra pounds slip off too. It makes such a big difference having a gym and exercise routine that you love, doesn't it?


  2. Wow. Congratulations! You look AMAZING! one or two stone is great but 6 is just wow. I applaud you!! New follower here :) Thanks for your link in tonights chat

    Megan xx //

  3. This post is honestly inspirational. Congratulations on your new found health and amazing weight loss, so brilliant :)

    GIVEAWAY: Charlotte Tilbury Eyeshadow Palette on The Makeup Directory

  4. What an incredible achievement so far Clare!! Seriously. This is such an inspirational post to read and I feel super happy and proud! I think that's the missing puzzle for me, I want to get stronger and fitter for simple everyday things this year, and whilst I'm still in the baby steps, I already feel the lifestyle difference for it - in a good way.

  5. Well done ! And they are great before and after pictures. I'm glad you're seeing improvements in your health and strength too :)

  6. Congratulations, you look amazing! But as I always say the important is not how you look, it's about how you feel how healthy you are. Your words are very inspirational !


    Btw: I wrote a couple post about losing weight in a healthy way , you may want to read it :)

  7. Wow! I know it totally isn't the point but you do look pretty great and it's so good to hear that you feel it too. I'd never really thought about Curves before, haven't even looked into one near me but do agree about being in that kind of environment with men feeling a bit odd.
    You're gonna be crazy-strong in a few years, I really hope to be one of those people that enjoys running, even with a hangover, one day..!

  8. This is so great! Congratulations on feeling better and being healthier. Also, thanks for mentioning us in your previous post. Vancouver is really beautiful and has a lot more to offer than what we showed of it during our weekend stay. Be well!

  9. Wow, congratulations! It's so lovely to see that a new years resolution has worked out and that you are so much healthier now :) Well done you xx

    Sam | Samantha Betteridge

  10. All these comments are making me so emotional cause everyone is being really supportive and I was so nervous to post this!! Haha, thanks so much Michelle! (: It definitely has changed my thinking so much. This last year I was consumed with calories in and calories out and I could see it going somewhere not-so-healthy, so this year I'm not weighing myself as often, not counting calories and just trying to be stronger, fitter and faster! Thanks for reading (: xx

  11. Oh, thanks Ruth! I think Curves is really good - they are kind of odd in terms of gyms, like people don't really get how you can lose weight doing it but the workouts are just what you make of them, they can be as hard or as easy as you like, and I just get so uncomfortable around big groups of wannabe ~macho~ guys that I don't enjoy real gyms.
    I'm hoping I'll just get stronger and stronger! haha xx

  12. It really is important how you feel - thanks for reading and commenting, it means a lot! (: x

  13. Eek, thank-you Cat! A friend of mine takes kickboxing and it looks amazing fun, it's something I'd really love to try when I'm a bit fitter, yet! Apparently it's a really tough workout, but I'd love to learn how to do it, also. Thanks for reading and commenting, everyones been so lovely it's making me blush! (: xx

  14. Aw, thanks Megan, that's so lovely to say! I found a note I'd written on my phone the other day from when I'd just lost 2stone, and I was so excited, and I want to be like girl, the best is yet to come! haha, thankyou for reading and commenting! (:

  15. Thanks, Sam! I really want to tell all those people who are so dismissive of resolutions to be like NO, THEY CAN WORK! haha

  16. Ah, thanks so much Rhianna! I mean, obviously I'm really pleased that I look a lot different too, it's amazing how my face has changed and I love being able to fit into different clothes! I just don't want readers to think that looks are the only important thing, because health is the most important thing, I think! Well done on your 10k training - I want to sign up for a 5k at the end of the summer because I've just started the couch to 5k running, and I want to give me the motivation! Thanks for reading, lovely (:

  17. Thank-you, Sandra, everyone has said such nice things, it's got me really motivated again! (:

  18. OMG you look absolutely amazing :) I LOVE a good weight loss story - I actually have one myself if you're interested ( - just like you I'd struggled with my weight my whole life until something clicked in my head and I decided something had to be done.
    I'm so interested to read the rest of your story so going to save your link to your Losing Weight series so I can read it over the weekend (expect loads more comments!) and I'll give you a little follow on bloglovin too so I can keep up to date!
    Congratulations again!!!!!
    Chloe x

  19. Wow, what an incredible achievement! It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it! Serious congrats to you and a huge high-five! You look fabulous. xxx

    Kirsty -


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