Wednesday, January 14, 2015

nesting instinct

January is long and cold, dark and grey. There's really nothing else to do except curl up in bed, make plans, read a good book, sleep, drink lots of hot coffee...

I recieved the Goldfinch for Christmas, and it's one I'm trying to plough through because the story is so good. I've actually put it down for a couple of days, but whilst I was ill over NYE, I red about 500 pages. I'll do a full review when I've finished it, but so far I'm in love with it. 
I've also been trying to keep a note-book handy because I'm really trying to work on my blog this year, see what works and what does, and document any night-time ideas that come to me. We'll see how this goes, I suppose?!

Hope you're all having a good week, I'm feel very sleepy this week, I started couch to 5k and I'm still feeling the effects of my first run on Sunday!


  1. Lovely photos, it looks so comity!

    I started reading The Goldfinch before Christmas but must admit I got a little stuck and stopped. I need to pick it up again.

    Petite Pomme

  2. Oh I'm glad you're enjoying The Goldfinch. I think it must be a bit of a marmite book, I really struggled with it, despite the fact that I loved The Secret Histories.

  3. The Goldfinch is firmly on my to-read list! I've heard mixed things about it and I definitely want to see what it's all about very soon! xo

  4. I've really loved it so far! I'm on about chapter ten and it's so gripping. It's quite wordy though, and I think you've really got to like Tartt's writing style to love it, but I do! xx

  5. Ah, The Secret History is one of my absolute favourite books, my copy is so torn up and gross, haha, that I was worried I wouldn't like this as much, but I'm obsessed with it so far! xx

  6. I sort of devoured the beginning, and now I'm trying to savour it also! x

  7. I picked it up once and gave up after about two pages, then tried again and just got right into it! Hope you give it another go (: x

  8. Katie Conigliaro19 January 2015 at 05:32

    Sounds like a book I'll have to add to my list! Its one of those books I keep seeing everywhere and just haven't paid much attention to. Might have to change that soon.

    I'm working on keeping my journal around for the same reason. Best of luck to us both!

    Katie @

  9. It's definitely been one of those books you can't avoid, but now I see the reasons why! And yeah, I've been keeping a notebook near me all the time because I'm full of love for the blogging world at the moment! x


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