Friday, July 17, 2015

The Smell of Summer; Blood Oranges by Anthropologie

I bought this little fragrance on a whim in Anthropologie recently - it caught my eye, as so many things in that shop do with its adorable packaging - since discovering there is a store in Guildford, it's been so very bad for my bank balance... I thought it would be great for keeping in my work handbag, and for travelling (as I usually lug about my giant bottle of Miss Dior or some such, and I'm terrified its going to crack all over my suitcase).

blood orange perfume anthropologie
blood orange perfume anthropologie

I was drawn in by the cute paper tube packaging (although I initially thought the bottle would come out of the tube, but thats okay, it makes it more travel friendly) decorated in blood oranges and vines. I am a sucker for anything that tells me it smells like blood oranges. I think I just have some faux-romantic connection between them and holidays in Italy - who knows, but they really are the scent of summer (that or lemons, or perhaps roses or honeysuckle, or strawberries...).

What I do know is that it smells dreamy, and just like summer in a little bottle. As I am writing this the sky is a flat grey and it's drizzling down (hopefully by the time this is published the weather will be sweeter, too) however one whiff and I can imagine we're in the midst of a glorious English summer. It's sweet and citrusy enough that it makes me long for the hot weather, but there is a touch of something bitter and spicy running underneath that make me think of London in the summer, for some reason; when everything is hot and lovely, and then a bus comes by and all you can smell is exhaust.  I realise that isn't the most beautiful analogy, but I'm not one for sickeningly fruity perfumes these days, I like something with a bit of tartness or bitterness thrown in, and this manages that.



  1. There's an Anthropologie in Guildford? I've only been to the one in Richmond but I've been window-shopping on their website a lot recently. This perfume looks/sounds beautiful. Pro tip: Lidl sometimes sell blood oranges, you're welcome ;)

  2. That scent sounds amazing, at least from how you described it! I really wish Anthropologie would open in Australia, but then again I don't think I'd be able to resist splurging there...

  3. Wildfire Charm20 July 2015 at 05:26

    I love a good fruity smell for smell as well. This one sounds very good. Although the packaging is very pretty, I'm worried whether it's going to last.

    - Wildfire Charm

  4. Oooh I love the way you have described this, it sounds like it smells divine! I defo want to try this! :)

    Heather Xx


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