Saturday, June 27, 2015

the importance of a weekend

Until recently, I've never really understood those living for the weekend types - those people that just laze about on a Sunday morning in bed, as those mornings were so precious to me. Since about half-way through my seventeenth year, until just a few months ago (about eight years year, I shudder), I'd worked every Sunday, pretty much. The nearest I got to a 'lazy Sunday' was the shop I worked in being quiet on a rainy morning. 

morning routines lazy sunday

And recently, I've had some pretty packed weekends - which has been so great, don't get me wrong! It's a weird thing, transitioning from shift work to a regular 9-5, because suddenly all your friends are free when you are! You don't have to uhm and aah over making plans 2 weeks in advance because you don't know your schedule. It's been lovely - I've been loitering around London most weekends, seeing exhibitions and catching up with friends I haven't seen for far too long. I helped treat my parents to a fancy lunch, been to the beach and all manner of activities.

But this weekend, I have had a change of pace... I've got literally no plans, no-where to be and nothing to do. I have the house to myself all weekend, I've slept in late, brought my giant cafetiere up to my bed so I could have coffee all morning, and have just chilled. As I write this it's almost two o'clock, I have all the windows open to let in the warm breeze, and I've painted my nails a bright green and caught up on the last couple of episodes of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (please tell me someone else is loving this as much as me?!). That is about the extent of my day. I might go get a burrito for lunch, and I have to put some flowers in some water, but that's about it.

What are you upto this weekend?


  1. Going from working every weekend to falling into a steady 9-5 weekday job and having weekends completely free is a pretty strange feeling. You start to really appreciate the joy of the weekend, and sometimes having no plans at all is just lovely. I do tend to get quite restless though and can never sleep in, but I do love just pottering around and enjoying the day, drinking copious amounts of coffee and sitting outside in the sunshine (when the British weather allows!). I hope you are having a lovely weekend, it does sound like it's been pretty perfect so far :)
    Nicole xox

  2. I loved moving from shift work to a 9 to 5 - for the first time in my life, my weekends are mine! :D Although one thing nobody warns you about... is you have to fit in the housework! ;) But once that's done, you can relax! I've done the shopping and chores today so that this evening, it's all about blogging and reading books and enjoying a bath!

    Michelle -x-

  3. Oooh I love weekends! I used to work retail and hated them haha :P I'm currently doing work experience working monday-friday in France so I have weekends free to explore or chill and I'm loving it! I could deffo get used to this :D xo

  4. I need the weekends and when I've been uber busy I feel like I need another day off. Today has been really busy - parkrun in the morning followed by 5 hours of shopping and then panic cleaning/tidying before having neighbours round for the first time this evening. But tomorrow there's no alarm set, there will be breakfast in bed and then that's it. Time to recoup.

    However I do really miss not having days off in the week, shops were so much quieter.

    Debbie x

  5. Sometimes you just need a nice lazy Sunday. I'm having a similar one day, lots of coffee, lots of magazines and lots of Netflix of course! :)

    Lou x

  6. The shift work to full-time 9-5 is a weird shock to the system but I too have relished actually having time to sit back and relax. Lazy weekends where you have no plans are the absolute best ^_^

  7. I had a nice lie-in, a good browse of the shops and did some pay-day damage, now I'm back chilling on the sofa! Yours sounds ace :) x

  8. I'm glad someone else agrees! It's such an odd transition! I started in March and the novelty still hasn't worn off... ;)

  9. I know what you mean, I used to always work weekends so it was so odd to always have an actual set weekend off each week! My weekends are packed most of the time so a quiet one is so rare. I'm thinking of scheduling in one soon! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

  10. Haha yes! I have had this recently, for like the last 3 weekends I had a day out on the Saturday, and needed the Sunday to do all my errands, so I felt like needed an extra day off to recover!

    And literally the shops being busy is the most ANNOYING thing! I went into Reading yesterday and it was beyond heaving so I just got a drink and went home! haha x

  11. It's nice to have some time to completely relax :)

  12. Liza Tait-Bailey29 June 2015 at 15:01

    I love this post! I'm interning this summer so I've gone from the fairly relaxed student life to 9-5 and it's killing me! But I've so enjoyed my lazy sundays in bed so I can completely identify with this.

    Liza xx

  13. That sounds a lovely weekend xxx just perfect. I'm always trying to pack in so much at the weekend.


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