Wednesday, April 15, 2015

taking stock #9

taking stock

Making: not a lot! (The picture above is old, unfortunately!) I've barely been knitting. I want to start something small for when travelling.
Cooking: sticky soy sauce chicken thighs in sesame seeds!
Drinking: all the iced coffee.
Reading: at the weekend I decided to reread the Harry Potter series, and I'm loving it.
Wanting: all the chocolate in the house to be gone.
Watching: The new Game of Thrones episode!
Eating: Easter chocolate, still.
Deciding: on whether or not I should buy an iPad...
Wishing: I could get in the gym as often as I did last year.
Enjoying: the travelling I'm doing for work, the responsibility and the new challenges - it's all such a change of pace from my old job!
Waiting: for summer. As always, I'm anticipating the coming season and forgetting to enjoy the current one!
Loving:  weekends.
Needing: to get back on the losing weight train - I've completely lost momentum this year and it's irritating me.
Smelling: my new candle; verbena & eucalyptus - it's amazing.
Wearing: black skinny jeans and a Warehouse blouse.
Thinking: about the future, about money, and cars and houses and adult things...
Hearing: podcasts, I've become a bit obsessed all over again. Any recommendations, leave below..
Feeling: sleepy.
Buying: train tickets, taxi's and hotels. All for work, though!
Getting: summer clothes. Yup...


  1. def need to get on the losing weight train too!

  2. Yum those chicken thighs sound good.

  3. They were amazing! Took them for my lunch the next day, too (:

    Uncia + Tigris

  4. I love reading posts like this! How have you still got Easter chocolate left? Haha! x

    Josie’s Journal

  5. I love these kinds of posts, I find them wholly cathartic. Like, 'hey, maybe things aren't so bad'.

    Rhi xx


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