Wednesday, April 29, 2015

spring forward: cherry blossom season

Why does spring seem to take an age to roll around, and when it does, it seems to come all at once? I feel like after the excitement of Christmas,and then the dull stretch of January and February, March and April are the most exciting months. They give me that autumn-feeling, when I'm desperate for the crisp weather and the change of the leaves. So you slog through March, taking peeks at the cherry tree in the garden, which is stubbornly refusing to show any signs of progress, until one morning you wake up, and the whole garden is green again, and the blossom appears literally overnight.

spring cherry blossom
spring cherry blossom
spring cherry blossom

So I apologise if you're sick of seeing a thousand snapshots of cherry blossom plastered all over your Instagram or blog feed - but I really couldn't care less, haha. I'm happy to pretend it's not grey and miserable outside this morning, but spring is fully here - and that means summer weather is just around the corner. 
This is the stunning cherry tree that lives in my dad's garden, and has this stunning white blossom all over it. It lasts about two weeks in this state, and it's already shedding it's petals all over the garden, but for those sunny two weeks, it is alive with bees, which makes me inordinately pleased to hear the background fuzz of them crawling all over the tree.

spring cherry blossom
spring cherry blossom
spring cherry blossom
spring cherry blossom


  1. I could NEVER be sick of seeing gorgeous photos of blossom! They are so pretty and hopeful and perfect :)

    Sophie Cliff

  2. I could never ever be sick of gorgeous blossom photos, I pass a beautiful tree on my way to work and keep meaning to take some photos, but usually I've left the flat so late I'm running to get to the office in time!

  3. Beautiful pics! I love how cherry blossoms just appear overnight :-)

  4. Cherry blossoms are one of the most fragile and beautiful flowers for me. Find me at
    Have a lovely day, Iga x

  5. adore this

  6. Beautiful photos! Love the contrast of the blue sky and the white petals!

  7. Oh thats such a shame! They're so fleeting :)

  8. Oh I am glad! Sometimes I feel like I'm just adding to the problem, haha!

  9. I love this about them too! I always wait patiently for the day they appear, and then they seem to disappear just as quickly as they come! x

  10. I am always like this - I wait for them, and then the weather always seems to suck when they finally arrive, or I never get the time to take proper photos!


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