Sunday, April 05, 2015

an easter weekend

I wasn't very well last night, woke up late, and wanted to just chill with my family - so I am forgoing my usual Weekend Wanderings posts, in favour of a mini run down of things that have made my weekend a good one...

easter biscuits

  • Eating freshly baked, homemade croissants, straight out of the oven, smothered with jam for a very late breakfast with my family. Accompanied by giant mugs of steaming hot coffee, 
  • Catching up with a friend and seeing the new Cinderella film - it's exactly what you expect from a Disney film, that saccharine twee-ness that sometimes you just need to zone out to when you've had a stressful week!
  • Enjoying the small pleasure of a lie-in - first bank holiday weekend I've had completely off (four day weekend!) in about 5 years. I used to get Easter Sunday off in my previous job, but usually worked the bank holidays either side...
  • Watching the garden come back to life a bit with the greenery, the blossom beginning to come out on the trees, and watching the pairs of blackbirds, goldfinches, blue-tits and collared doves that have made it their home (which all made me very happy).
  • Bunches of spring flowers in the house, daffodils in my bedroom, tulips and hyacinths in the living room. 
  • Spending an afternoon doing some Easter baking with my mum - decorating little biscuits and trying our hands at creme-egg brownies, too.  
  • A roast in the oven as we speak, preparing for a good roast later today.
  • And of course, a little pile of chocolate waiting for me this morning when I came downstairs - you're never too old for an chocolate rabbit, are you?
What are you up to this weekend? If it isn't stuffing your face with food, then I don't want to know! haha Hope you're all having a lovely time with or without your family, eating or not, spending time in the sunshine or curled up on the sofa watching Grease, I hope you have a nice long weekend. (:


easter breakfast
easter flowers


  1. Those biscuits are so sweet! I'm currently nursing a chocolate-induced coma. I hope you're having a lovely Easter :) x

  2. This sounds like the best day ever! Haha! Happy Easter xx

  3. Those biscuits are adorable, Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, hope you had a wonderful Easter.

  4. The biscuits are so cute! I love a bit of seasonal baking. I don't celebrate easter so we didn't do too much but now I'm thinking a spring-themed baking sess could be just what's called for.

    Sorcha x Bright Field Notes

  5. I am still working my way through my chocolate stash, two weeks later! I had a lovely time, hope you did too (:

  6. It was so chill, just what I needed - hope you had a lovely Easter too (:

  7. It was so perfect, very relaxed! I hope you had a lovely Easter as well :)

  8. I love making biscuits at Christmas or Easter or Halloween - theres something really fun about making like seasonal biscuits and icing them! Hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend (:


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