Sunday, November 09, 2014

missing in action

Just a short update to say that U+T will be a bit up and down until further notice, due to the passing away of a family member. Hopefully I'll be back soon, posts just may be a little sporadic in the meantime, please bear with me until then. I have some things scheduled, so I'll still be popping up on your feed, but if you need to reach me, the best way is via Twitter or email

Thank-you x


  1. Sorry to hear of your lost, hope you're okay x

  2. So sorry to hear of your loss darling <3 Sending lots of love.

  3. Thanks Michelle, I appreciate your thoughts <3

  4. Thanks Rachael, that's very kind of you (:


I love getting comments and receiving them, and I will always reply to them, even if it takes me a little while, please be patient!
