Thursday, September 18, 2014

common people

The common near where I live feels so perfect at the moment - it's getting all crisp in the mornings and the evenings, but warms up quite a lot during the day. I've gone up a few times, coming back with either a selection of blackberries and other fruit, or some photos of the heather and hawthorn berries. 
Recently we discovered there are a pair of red kites that live near there, so I'm always distracted by them, they're one of my favourite birds of prey, and I'm hoping if I keep frequenting the common, I'll be able to get a photo of them.

Anyway, I took these photos the other week when I had just got my fancy new camera, and thought I'd go try out taking some photos. I've been using my little point-and-shoot for a while now, and it's lovely, but I used to have an DSLR and it recently broke. I looked into getting it fixed, but I found that it would be more expensive to fix than the camera is worth. I decided to get a new one, I invested in a Nikon D3200. I say invested, because whilst I'm currently only working part-time, I have a lot of savings and it felt like a good thing to spend my money on, particularly with an combined 5-year guarantee, it should last me for a good while! I'm loving the upgrade from my D50 and it takes such lovelyyy photos - I'm still working on it and messing about a bit with it, but hopefully you'll see a bit of an upgrade over the coming weeks! 


  1. Beautiful photos! That's awesome about the red kites, they are such beautiful birds! I used to see them quite often when I lived in Scotland.

  2. These photos are gorgeous! I love going blackberry picking, there's something so traditional about picking them and taking them home to bake with! :)

    Maddie //

  3. Really lovely photos! those blackberries look delicious, your camera quality is amazing ooh
    Helena /

  4. They're lovely photos! I've never been blackberry picking. Starting to feel like I've missed out! x

  5. I have a d3100 and love it even though I still really don't know how to use it...oops. I guess I need to go out on a walk and practice photographing things. Your photos turned out beautiful!


  6. your photos are absolutely amazing!

  7. That's a good investment! those photos look great!

  8. Love, love, love your photos - especially one and five! So pretty!

    ~ Mikéla Davelyn ~

  9. Thank-you, I'm glad you enjoy them! (:

  10. That's what I'm hoping it will be, thanks! x

  11. I need to get a bit better with learning all the manual settings, but I'm getting there, and I'm really enjoying playing around! I think personally I need to take a lot of crap photos until I learn how to take some good ones haha. Thanks!

  12. Oh you definitely should! Depending on where you live, there are probably still some out there for you to get! x

  13. Isn't there just? It's a process I really love, for some reason it makes me feel very traditional and connected to my mum and grandmother who both went through the same thing!

  14. I used a D50 for the longest time, they're pretty good solid cameras aren't they? Mine had taken a bit of a beating, so I feel all fancy now I've got a new one! x

  15. Thank-you! They're so amazing, I think because there were never any birds of prey around where I live when I was little, I'm so awestruck by them, they're so pretty and I love that they're breeding again!


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