Friday, February 22, 2013

tumblr diary

october - december

Something my friend Gina does every month or so is to show a little snapshot of what I've been looking at, what kind of images are cropping up over again. Whilst I'm here: I want you all to go and read Gina's blog. She posts about art and fashion and books and all things inbetweeen, and I really love her style of writing.
So in October I wanted green bedrooms, bismuth crystals and never-ending boxes, circles within circles, seas and skies, holes and towers pyramids.
In November I was making my own blue pigment, and gifs. I wanted crystals and buildings shaped like crystals, steps and shapes that are like steps and geometric things. 
December was the month I realised the depth of my blue-love, along with all things concentric, geometric, and textured. Water and shiny things (buildings and paintings) and my own frosty walks featured.
If you're into these kind of things, maybe you like blue skies and seas and weird crystals too? Go have a look at my tumblr, and show me yours. Maybe I'll make this a regular feature...

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