Sunday, December 30, 2012

christmas '12

This is what Christmas looks like in our household - unfortunately it was a rather subdued affair this year, though we tried our best to keep our spirits up, it's hard sometimes when a loved one is quite ill. My grandma was taken into hospital a couple of days before Christmas and is still there, so none of us were really in the Christmas spirit. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank-you to anyone who sent me nice messages on Twitter, there were a few of you who cheered me up quite a lot, so thank you, you are very lovely. 
Maybe I'll post a few pictures later in the week and show you what I've been up to since and what I received in the way of gifts, but I have so much work to do and have managed to avoid it all spectacularly over Christmas - which just sucks haha. It's probably a good thing that I have zero New Years' Eve plans apart from working, so I crack on with it without a hangover! 
I hope you all had a good Christmas, and it was much more enjoyable than mine. Best wishes for 2013!

Monday, December 24, 2012

frosty (the snowman)

Wow, I haven't posted in months! The other day I was catching up on some blogs and I realised I really missed blogging - university has very much taken over, and I assume the hectic pace and stress will resume in the New Year.. Anyway, I'm sat here on Christmas Eve, painting my nails a sparkly Christmas red in preparation for tomorrow and I thought I would take a minute to catch up with you guys! As you probably know it's been raining like mad the last week, but these photos are from a few days ago when it was all beautiful and frosty outside - I went for a little walk around the local park and it was so beautiful - they seemed appropriately Christmassy! Anyway, I just wanted to wish you all a happy christmas and I hope you're all spending it with your family and friends. 

Happy Christmas!