Thursday, September 13, 2012

very merry berry picking

I had some other blog posts lined up for this week.. but they have been shunted in favour of these photos! As I went back to uni this week, me and my mum decided to have a few afternoons together before I left, and we decided to go for a walk and see if we could find any sloes and blackberries. We used to go blackberry picking every year when I was little, but we've stopped as we got older, but it's a memory I will always hold onto, just because it's one of those weird, idyllic memories of eating all the blackberries from my mum and dad's pots..
Anyway, we did not find any sloes, unfortunately. I really wanted to make some sloe gin, sadly that will have to wait a couple of weeks because they weren't ripe. Anyway, we did find an awful lot of blackberries, enough to make two big blackberry pies, at least, even though I dropped about half a pot at one point... I took a bunch of photos, because, hey, that's what I do, there are few more but I think I'll save them for a rainy day. The top photos are elderflower berries, so you need to look out for these if you want to get the flowers to make elderflower cordial and such, I thought they looked pretty, though.
And yes, I did eat most of them whilst we were picking them, to my mum's annoyance, hence the stained hands..!
Have you ever done this, or do you grow any of your own fruit? I joked on twitter that I'm turning into a middle-aged woman, because I came home, cooked dinner with my mum and sat on the sofa to do some knitting afterwards... I'm basically dead. 

(The post title is awful, I can't even judge whats good anymore.)


  1. Ooh this looks so fun! I've never been berry picking. Well actually, when I was little, there was a mulberry tree at school and we climbed all over it picking the berries - does that count?

    1. that definitely counts! we used to pick blackberries at school too, along with conkers and all sorts of things, haha. its one of those idyllic memories I really love! xx

  2. Aw you and your mom are the sweetest :) And the title is fine hehe.

    another day to wander

    1. aw thankyou! it just sounded so cheesy in my head! haha xx

  3. ohoh that looks so fun! they look yummy.

    lindsey louise

    1. they really were! we made blackberry pie and apple and blackberry jelly with them, too. so so good! xx

  4. your photographs are gorgeous - is it weird that i can taste the blackberries in my mouth as i'm reading?!
    love your blog



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