Happening upon film sets on a Saturday afternoon walk / Staying at my friends in London / Getting up early in the dark for my internship.. ): / Inconsiderate people on my commute / Being made to do the shopping / Toasting my mums fruit-loaf as a treat! / Doing some research at university and finding my dad's company in a book! / Started a drawing.. that you can barely see (story of my life!) / Trying to photograph the birds on my windowsill.. / My one and only picture of the snow very early yesterday morning! / The ridiculously bright sunshine this morning / A cosy afternoon back home baking and relaxing.
I've been a bit rubbish with posting this week - since the end of my internship and being thrown back into uni with a bit of a bump, I'm not really coping with balancing everything that well! I need to get back into the swing of things - but until then, have some pictures of things.. I like these kind of posts but I don't really take interesting pictures!
lovely photos :)