Monday, June 13, 2011

Paranoid Blogging!

Basically, I have to have this tooth out tomorrow, and although I've had loads of dental work done before, like fillings and root canals, and such, I've never had one taken out, and I'm a little bit terrified. Well, a lot terrified. I'm paying extra to be sedated during the process because I get really panicking when I think I can feel pain, even if it's just the sensation, or whatever. It's pretty traumatic for me, haha. But now I'm worrying mostly about having a giant hole in my mouth afterwards.. ugh! 
So to take my mind off it, I'm trying to blog, but I'm just worrying! This will be long, and rambly, but you don't have to read, don't worry!

It was my 21st birthday this week! And I've had a lovelyyyy time. I saw my wonderful friend Tam on Monday and we had a lunch and saw X-Men First Class which was amazinggg, I adored it, I'm now a little bit obsessed with Michael Fassbender
Tuesday was my actual birthday. I had croissants for breakfast with my mummy, and then lunch with my friend Amy, and went to a Chinese and Thai restaurant with my family in the evening. A lot to eat in one day! haha. 
On Friday I went to dinner with a bunch of my closest friends, minus the few that were unfortunately still at university. ): We went to really good restaurant where I had chicken stuffed with ricotta, wrapped in parma-ham with sweet potato chips and roasted pepper. So good! And lots of wine, and some amazing banoffee pie. Haha.
And to finish off my wonderful week, me and my friend went down to Wookey Hole yesterday, and saw some awesome caves! I am a huge fan, so I geeked out over it. 
That all out of my system, have a gander at some photographs from this week!

Standing on the sofa to pretend that I'm taller than my six foot four brother!

Me and my wonderful mum.
My beyond fantastic homemade cake!
Anddd caves! Rocks! Stalagmites! Underwater caves! 
And we stopped at Wells Cathedral on the way home, which in the sunshine was absolutely beautiful! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday :)

    How amazing was your cake!? Wow!

    Hope your dentist appointment wasn't TOO traumatic :/


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