Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lustlist 11/01/2010

Now that christmas is over, I've working lots of long hours at my work (to try and recuperate the money I spent leading up to Christmas!), which will pay off when I get my bonus, in March!
An ice watch. I don't really wear watches, but I want to start (also cause I'm fed up of not knowing the time!) - and I looked for vintage/second-hand watches, but I haven't really found any I love, yet. I'm going to keep on scouring charity shops, but unless I find one I really love, I think I'm going to invest in an ice-watch. I love all things green and bright and garish, and this might be the best of them all, I'm not quite sure! It's absolutely beautiful, I know that!

I really want a new MacBook Pro, but I don't think that is going to happen any time soon, so I'm thinking of sprucing it up a little bit? These are by SuzieAutomatic on Etsy, they used to have a a hummingbird one, but I couldn't see that, and then I came across these two! Right up my street. They're only $5, but I need to check out shipping, haha.

I know everyone's going a bit mad over the YSL Arty rings, but I have my eye on this beaute. It's £185, and my bonus is usually around £600, if not a bit more, so I'm thinking, if it's still there then, I may splash out on it! haha. Its absolutely stunningggg. How could you not want that?

A vintage fur-coat. I've been trying to find a really nice fake fur coat. Unfortunately, my search has been fruitless, which saddens me. The closest I've found is one from M&S, which still looked really.. fake. And then my fashionable friend Rachel went and blogged about her vintage fur coat, and I'm starting to realise that vintage might be the way to go. 

I genuinely hate the idea of fur-farms and the manufacture of fur NOW. But I love taxidermy animals. And this is the analogy I'm working on, somehow, that a vintage coat is like taxidermy. I don't have to condone the killing of the animal to appreciate the fact its beautiful and even though something has happened, and it's now dead, I can still appreciate it. Does that make sense? Like, I wouldn't ever buy a new fur-coat. But I'm not letting something beautiful go to waste. I don't know. I have to find one I like, first, and then struggle with this moral dilemma I apparently have.

A holiday. I REALLY need one of these, dammit. I need to leave, at least for a little while. I'm planning a weekend break with some friends at Easter, but 

Me & the people I'm moving in with next year.. we realllly want to get a little pet for the house. We considered cats. But then we came to the realisation that a little lop-eared house-rabbit would be best. And now I'm so excited for this! I can't wait, haha. I really hope we get one. 
What are you guys lusting after..?

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