Saturday, December 31, 2011

So this is it!

As you read this I am currently getting happily drunk at my friend Debbie's house - but this is a scheduled post because I love you so much! I like doing these little round up of the year posts, because I like looking through pictures on my computer..
(A quick note - I don't really show pictures of my artwork on my blog, because I like to keep it mostly separate, but there will be some pictures included here, because it's been a massive part of my life this year, obviously! So saying that, these pictures are all mine, taken by me, with my own camera. Please don't reuse them! This is why I made them really small..)

- Celebrating New Year with Debbie, drunkenly in my front garden.
- A beautiful evening at St. Pauls with my friend Tam.
- Discovering the Hunterian Museum - my new favourite place in the world.
- Embracing scruffy fringes and a lack of makeup.

- My dad had a knee replacement, in payment for driving places, I took pictures of his bruising.
- I just like fish, okay?
- Learnt how to silkscreen - made prints inspired by my dads bruises.
- Good nights out with good friends!

The rest of the year is under the jump!

- Lovely, cold, walks.
- Started growing crystals for my art.
- Visited Tam and went to Bristol Zoo - saw the beautiful baby lions!
- Displayed some of my work in the studios.
- Lost a friendship, for the better, in hindsight. 
- Dedicated most of March to drawing and making crystals, actually!

- I ombred my hair! You can't really tell in this picture, though. Sigh.
- A little weekend away with my uni-friends and housemates in which we wandered around a very hot Bath and went to Longleat! It was lovely. I saw this tiger. (:
- More crystals.. haha.
- I bought my beautiful Cambridge satchel!
- I spent the day of the royal wedding with my friend Gemma, in Reflex, getting ratherrr drunk. Stayed up all night, sang lots of Adele, bought bags, stole tiaras.. other things! haha. 

- I'm afraid this is the only picture for May. I was too busy stressing over my huge huge deadline that happened towards the end of the month. This was taken at a picnic me and my two of my beautifulll university friends had at Virginia Waters. It was sooo hot. We had jelly and sunbathed and fed ducks and it was lovely. I want to repeat on the first hot day of 2012!

- I turned 21! I thought it would be different, but it really wasn't, haha. That's me and my mum and dad.  I had a really lovely day!
- I had a really lovely meal with my closest friends - bar those that were at uni - and it was great.
- My AMAZING birthday cake! I don't know how me and my mum will top it next year. I didn't think anything could get better than last years! I was wrong.
- Went to Wookey Hole with Gemma because I love caves - it was pretty awesome. I wish all the beautiful stalagmites didn't have tacky purple lighting on though! 
- The rest of June was devoted to produced our first year show, entitled Free Time. I had quite a big part in the putting up of the show, so it was a huge relief that it was fairly successful!
- Had a tooth removed because it was dissolving under my gum.. It was horrific, I haven't gone to the dentist since because it made me hate them even more than I already did. I'm going back next week, and yes, terrified again, haha.

July - Italy
This needs it's own picture. My 21st birthday present was a trip to Florence, Italy. It was a truly beautiful few days and something I'll never forget. I went with my mum and we saw so many beautiful things I just can't even describe it!

- As soon as I came back from Italy, I had a week's work experience teaching art to 11-14 year olds at my old school - that is what the balloons are! It was a batispm of fire.. something I don't think I wish to repeat!
- The rest of July was spent in a happy daze of reading outside, occasionally going to work, occasionally doing some drawing. I devoured 2 or 3 of the A Song of Fire and Ice Trilogy. I'm stuck on Part 2 of a Storm of Swords - something particular tragic happened and I haven't been able to read since!
- I picked some berries. Not these, they were not ripe. Others. 
- Went to the Hawk Conservancy Trust - held an old, saw some cool birds flying and stuff, a very good day out.

- In August, I moved out! Sort of. I moved into my university house with my friends - I have a really lovely room!
- Our kitchen is a joyous affair of stone-effect walling and 70's cupboards.
- I bought a fish, Ned! He later murdered my other fish, over which I'm still upset. 
- Beautiful days at the end of August! This is the view outside my window at uni!

- My life was kind of given over to university work in September, so I just have a few crappy snapshots for this month. 
- A warehouse space we visited, and later exhibited work in (see below!) 
- Stories.. my mum has had this adorable knitting bag since she was my age or something, and I find it adorable. I always wanted it as a handbag but she never relinquished it. Then I happened upon one in a charity shop. I was going to use it as a bag, but as I've taken up knitting.. I should probably use it for that instead.
- Leopard print nails and tiny cat plates so I can feel like Dolores Umbridge.  

- Our cruel and sadistic tutors made us spend two days making work in a local forest. It was awful! Two cold, damp, windy October days getting bitten to pieces to make some artwork in an environment that isn't appropriate for your work. It was dire!
- A cold, windy day in Cambridge, visiting my brother. His house is beautiful, I hate him for it!
- My lovely friend Rachel turned 21 and threw a wig party in London! All her friends had stylish pastel coloured wigs. I picked the worst yellow ringleted wig.. haha. It was hideous! A good night, though.
- Lots of very time consuming art work was made. This piece in the photograph took me a couple of weeks, it is hand sewn!

- Another month spent mostly locked inside my studio! The views from my studio are the top two pictures, just next to these autumnal leaves there is a castle. I'm not sure why I didn't include that picture! 
- A hawk! In Trafalgar square! It was pretty cool.
- One of my favourite prints I made towards the end of the month. 
- The show we had in the warehouse I showed you earlier - a lot of stress but really worth it in the end! My piece in the small black box, haha. 
- Another print I made, then university was all over and I went home!
- I made gingerbread, but I think I already showed you this!
- And finally, I took down my massive poster wall from my bedroom and replaced with a few of my favourite maps and some photographs.. All tidy and clean for the New Year!

OH MY GOSH. Such a long post. Even if no-one reads this, I like looking back on these posts! 

I hope you all have an amazing New Year tonight, and I hope I do too! Haha.
Happy New Year! 



  1. Some lovely pictures, looks like you've had a great year. Best wishes for 2012


  2. Your artwork is truly beautiful! I'm really excited to have found your blog! Also, love the leopard nails!
    Happy New Year!
    Le Bibliotheque

  3. thankyou both! i've had a really good year, i hope you have too!
    and thankyou so much deanna! i always try and keep it a bit separate because it's really personal, but it's been so involving this year.. i really love your blog, too, i'm a new follower! xx


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