Wednesday, August 13, 2014

blueberry elevenses

I wish I could take credit for these amazing looking blueberry scones... I cannot. My mum made them - and of course, because she made them, they're amazing. She bakes the most amazing cakes, but recently we've both been trying to be healthier, so there are only treats about when he friends come for coffee. The other day she made these blueberry scones and they were insanely good. Hot out of the oven with butter, an iced coffee and some strawberries... So freaking good.

I also wish I could tell you a recipe... I cannot, because my mum doesn't really do recipes. She can make the most amazing cakes, scones, bread, lasagnes, pizzas... all sorts of amazing things from scratch, but ask her exactly the proportions of whatever went in? Well, that is trickier. She doesn't cook anything she considers 'a faff'/uses more than two bowls/involves folding, using a bain-marie.. I could go on, but you get the idea. 

I can tell you that the recipe she uses is probably derived from a Delia recipe, once upon a time, because that is usually where they originate. And she used one whole pack of blueberries to make about a dozens scones. I really cannot tell you that much about them, really, but I just thought I'd tell you how much I enjoyed them!


  1. I love scones but I can never make em right. your mum sounds like a cooking genius haha.

    1. I tell myself it's just because she's had years of practice and when I'm her age I'll be able to make things without recipes... Probably not though because I don't have the patience, haha.

  2. Ohhh these look so tasty! I love eating sweet things with strawberries and iced coffee- it's the best!

    1. Now I've discovered how to make really good iced coffee, I drink it with anything and everything - but it just goes so well with cake..!

  3. Damn I was about to ask for a recipe! Such a shame that your mum cooks simply but doesn't provide recipes - that would be the ultimate; one bowl scones. They DO look delicious though!

    1. Haha I asked my mum for you and she said they're were once based on Delia Smith recipe but she doesn't really use measurements so I'm sorry for that! One of these days I'll make her weigh everything when she makes them! Thanks for reading!

  4. These sound so good! I love baking scones, savoury and sweet - cheese are my favourite. :)

    1. I really want to try more savoury scones - I'm not a giant fan of cheese ones but I saw some on Pinterest with courgette in that look so good!


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