Sunday, May 22, 2011

Poke at my iris, why can't I cry about this?

I apologise if you're not enjoying this backlog of outfit-posts. In my downtime, I still take regular pictures and such, I just forget to write the text! Thinking of doing less wordy posts, so I shall make this short and sweet! An outfit I wore to the cinema a few weeks ago.
Top: Primark, about £10 
Trousers: ASOS, £13
Wrap: New Look (very old, I can't remember the price!) 
Watch: Ice Watch. 
Jewellery: Owl Ring from H&M, £3.99, others are vintage.


  1. Fab blog! Love the red lips! :) Lil Xx

  2. Well hello!
    Thank you for leaving your link on Fuckyeahrings :)
    Nice blog you have here!! Very cool indeed!


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