Thursday, January 06, 2011

Happy New Year! I'm only six days late..

So 2010 is finished! Pretty crazy. Pretty exhausting. I didn't really think I'd done much this year.. apparently I was wrong! I seemed to have done a few trips (nowhere amazing, sadly!) and had some adventures... Pretty good stuff, really!  I thought I'd do a little breakdown in pictures. (:

Enjoyed lots of snow and lots of time off college.
Saw wicked with my darling, Tam.
Did a completely personal and honest project at college and found it incredibly cathartic.
Had the battery from my laptop explode!
Drove to Westfields in London! my first drive in/around London, haha.

Got my hair cut into a fringe, possibly the best phsysical decision i've made in a long time!
Had the most drunken night out of my life, plied with so much free booze it was insane.
Made some awesome pancakes with my friends, all by ourselves.
Applied for university courses.
Completed the most time consuming piece of work I've ever done!

Went to Marwell Zoo and remembered my love for tigers and snow leopards, felt childish.
Made a pink cake & renewed my love of baking.
Dressed AS a tiger for a friends birthday night out. Turned out to be an awful night, but the costume was awesome.
Wine nights.
Going to London with two lovely girls, and having possibly the best time I've ever had there, visiting the V&A National History Museum and Chinatown and winding up drunk in a bar in Camden getting hit on by two guys who worked at HSBC!
Started on a final project that would take the better part of two months, for college.

Visited the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford, a complete inspiration.
Saw Eddie Izzard just wandering down the street in Reading! Was pretty cool.
Had my hands cast in plaster by my friend.
Worked my little butt off at uni!
Drove to Bicester Village, which was much further away than I thought. Saw beautiful clothes that I still can't afford.
Had a cocktail night with some friends.

Did the makeup for a few friends' fashion shows & shoots.
Finished my Foundation course with a Merit and got into uni!
Went to Birdworld on one of THE hottest days I've ever known. Made friends with some parrots!
Exhibited in our summer show at college.
Voted for the first time ever. Turned out to be a waste, but hey.

Had an awesome night out for my birthday & learned who my true friends are!
Turned 20, with the best cake ever, perhaps!
Tried to buy an iPhone 4 and got evacuated from the place with a bomb scare! Eventually got the phone in another town, haha.
Saw my little brother off to his prom! So sweet.
Missed Debbie alot - she was in America.

Saw some ickle deer in my town, thought they were adorable.
Nights lounging around in the evening and sun.
Had lots of long, rainy days.

Went to Westfields with a bunch of friends, was pretty cool.
Picked blackberries with my mother and had a lovely time.
Some very drunken nights down the pub.
Got ready to say goodbye to my friend Debbie. ):

Started university, which was an interesting experience.
Officially said goodbye to Debbie! and then proceeded to miss her an awful lot.
Said goodbye to Rachel, and the same occured. ):
Mingled with the classmates in London-town and made some lovely new friends!
Went to visit Debbie for her birthday and had a great time in Maidstone.
Embraced hats for the first time in my life. Interesting fact!
Saw my brother off to Cambridge, where he's basically moved out too! Also saw Tam that day, and was very cold!

Participated in the best drawing class I'v ever taken.
Long hours at the V&A, and other museums, drawing.
"Recdecorated" my bedroom walls, haha.
Became much better friends with some people in my life.
Started embracing my own style a hell of a lot more.
Endured three horrible weeks in a sculpture class.

Long, cold nights at university, and joining a knitting group!
A lovely visit from Rachel, had some drinks in town.
My first car-boot sales and found some amazing earrings. I need to do this more often!
Saw some of my friends work exhibited in London and had drinks there with them/
Finalised plans with who I am going to be moving in with this year! eeep.
A night out where I made 1000 drunken train friends, had the best journey home in my life, haha.

Lots of foggy, snowy days, it felt like!
Mad rush towards the end of semester at university.
Losing weight! I lost 10lbs before christmas. I've gained half of that back, BUT I'm going back on the plan now!
made some gingerbread. Ahem.
BEST new years eve ever. Me, Debbie, vodka, pizza and chinese, worlds most dangerous airports and Zoolander. Best time ever!

Hope you guys have all had a wonderful 2010, and a great start to the new year! 
Clare Marie

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