Wednesday, July 15, 2015

in progress: to be read this summer

I had all these intentions of using my sick-time to provide you with loads of great content... It's still all sitting there, in dribs and drafts and unedited photographs - and it will be with you sooner or later. I didn't realise how tired recovering makes you, though! Thank-you, by the way, to everyone that left lovely comments on my sick-bed post, you're all sweethearts. :) Anyway, what I have been doing, is reading. Reading a bit, snoozing a bit, waking up and reading some more....

to be read july 2015

Here is the pile that I'm slowly working my way through. I talked a bit about Clariel previously, and it was a nice, fantasy read that took me back to my youth, and was easy to flick through and occupy me for a short while. Stardust by Neil Gaiman was such a sweet little book that I finished it in one sitting over a few hours, I'd like to write a proper review of this, so hopefully I'll get around to that.

Hyperion was recommend to me by my good friend Tam, and has since been pinched by my mother, who has told me it's quite interesting, and Satantango I bought years ago, whilst at uni. I started reading it and was interested, but as is the way with university courses, you have to put leisure reading on hold and read things for your course, particularly whilst writing a dissertation or some such essay. I think recently it has come out in paperback or had a resurgence, as I've seen it around in bookshops quite a bit - I remembered I left it unfinished, so will try again.

to be read july 2015

I'm currently in the middle of Vermilion Sands, which is a series of short stories by Ballard (annoyingly, I didn't realise I had all these already in an anthology of his short stories, but it's a nice edition to have, and a bit more easy to read than the giant tome of his short stories). The stories within it are all centred on a fictional desert resort, with the usual dreamy decay that he writes so well, and although I've read a couple of the stories in the collection already, it's nice to have them collected like this. 
The Drought (also known as The Burning World) has been on my list for quite some time, and I'm quite excited to read this - it comes as part of an unofficial collection with The Drowned World (which I am yet to finish) and The Crystal World, which is one of my favourite books of all time, so I have high hopes for liking this one, as well. 

What are you reading at the moment? Have you got any recommend summer reads?

And also, whilst we're on the subject, I know there is a whole world of 'book-tube' out there, however this is distinctly driven by the young adult audience (which unfortunately, I no longer am); so if you have any recommendations for more adult book bloggers, vloggers or youtubers, please leave below!



  1. Expect for Stardust I haven't heard or read any of the books mentioned. Stardust is a fantastic book. You will enjoy it.

  2. Oooh I still need to pick up Clariel. Talking with my dad the other day about Garth Nix and now this post means I should probably get on that. I haven't heard of any of the others but I'm always looking for new reads to indulge in :D

    Fii || little miss fii

  3. Sarah by the Sea20 July 2015 at 17:29

    Neil Gaiman! Yes!! I love Stardust! :D The Graveyard books is one of my favourites by him even if it is a YA/Kids book >.<
    I've started reading Tale for the time being by Ruth Ozeki but my favourite read for the season so far has been The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan :) Such a beautiful book ^_^

    This post reminds me that I need to do a ton more reading! :D

    Sarah xxo |


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