Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Let's talk... I want to get to know you!

I think we need to talk...

bay leaves

I'm not breaking up with you, no, it's not you, it's me.. This blog has been around, in one form or another, for 7 years now. I've become really proud of my little space on the internet, particularly in the last couple of years, it's become something I really love. However, recently, my heart just hasn't been in it. I've really wanted to blog! But, I have a new job, which is mostly spent in front of a computer. The last thing I want to do when I do some evenings, after I've dragged my butt to the gym, had dinner and made my lunch for work - is to fire up my laptop and do, what sort of feels like work at the moment. I know it won't always, and I just need to get into a routine, but I used to do shifts and I was on my feet more - which means the gym and my healthy eating needs to be more of a priority, or it slips. Some nights and most weekends, I want to socialise, too (shock horror). 

Anyway, the last few weeks - I noticed my follower count dropped marginally - and this concerned me. I found this weird as I've never really cared about my follower count - it was something I was aware of but never put much weight in - as I've always just blogged for me, about me, about my life, and rambled on in my own little way. However I noticed this number dropping and it bothered me and I couldn't work out why - and I think at this point I realised that I didn't know who you are, my readers! I often see similar faces in my comments as I do on Twitter, I try and reply to all my comments (although I've been shit at this recently!) and I do read a lot of your blogs regularly, however I really want to know you all better!

So I've come up with a little survey - and I'd love it if you took the time to fill this in! You can leave it in the comments (or fill it out on your blog if you have one, and link it in the comments!) because it would be amazing to find out more about you lovely people. 
1. Your name, age, country, if you feel like sharing. :)
2. What is your most recent purchase?

3. What is your favourite book and why?

4. On a Saturday morning, where are you and what are you doing?

5. What TV show are you currently binge-watching or what book are you currently reading?

6. Do you prefer to be controversial or liked-by-everyone?

7. Are you more introverted or extroverted?

8. What was your first job?

9. What is your favourite painting?

10. Leave links to where I can find more about you (your blog/twitter/instagram, etc).
And here are my answers - so incase you didn't know about me, here are a few little insights...
1. My name is Clare, I'm 25 (first time I've written that since my birthday, oh god I feel old!), and I live in Hampshire in the UK.
2. My most recent purchase was a fancy lunch out for my parents 30th wedding anniversary - and 2 blouses from the Topshop website, somewhat sleepily, last night.
3. Until recently I would have said The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, but The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt comes in a very very close second.
4. Recently I've been all over the place, from spending time in London, but more regularly I'm probably having a lie in, doing some shopping, or catching up with my friend Gemma.
5. I'm about to start on the second series of Orange is the New Black - and I've just finished re-reading the Harry Potter books.
6. Liked by everyone. I am too worried what about what people think to be controversial!
7. I'm somewhere in between, but definitely more introverted than the opposite - I much prefer to just chill in bed with a book or put a film on than go outside and be sociable.
8. My first job was at Waitrose, being a Sunday deli-girl.
9. My favourite paintings are a series by Mark Rothko called the Seagram murals, in particular this one which is called Red on Maroon. A lot of people think they're very overrated or cliche, but I like them for some personal reasons.
So there we go! I'd love it if you took part.. :)   


  1. 1. Your name, age, country, if you feel like sharing. :)
    Hannah, almost 30 (arrrgh!), UK
    2. What is your most recent purchase?
    A huge dotcomgiftshop order and some goodies from the Body Shop
    3. What is your favourite book and why?
    Wild Swans as I'm obsessed with Chinese history
    4. On a Saturday morning, where are you and what are you doing?
    yoga, followed by coffee and pancakes
    5. What TV show are you currently binge-watching or what book are you currently reading?
    just finished game of thrones and about to start OITNB/ reading the girl on the train
    6. Do you prefer to be controversial or liked-by-everyone?
    liked by everyone if I'm honest
    7. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
    8. What was your first job?
    Ice cream parlour
    9. What is your favourite painting?
    10. Leave links to where I can find more about you (your blog/twitter/instagram, etc). - same for Insta and twitter x

  2. . Your name, age, country, if you feel like sharing. :) - Fii, 21, UK :D
    2. What is your most recent purchase? A slightly ridiculous amount of cute Korean stationery from ebay
    3. What is your favourite book and why? Tales of the Ketty Jay series by Chris Wooding. Steampunk and sky pirates and i have a strong, strong love for his writing
    4. On a Saturday morning, where are you and what are you doing? In bed, asleep.
    5. What TV show are you currently binge-watching or what book are you currently reading? nothing for either right now
    6. Do you prefer to be controversial or liked-by-everyone? I prefer to be liked, really.
    7. Are you more introverted or extroverted? A mix of both. I enjoy being sociable, but equally like spending time on my own
    8. What was your first job? shop assistant in bon marche :D
    9. What is your favourite painting? I've never been asked that before :O I like a lot of geometric stuff
    10. Leave links to where I can find more about you (your blog/twitter/instagram, etc). little miss fii insta: @ fiixii // twitter @ fii__fii

    I really enjoyed reading your answers too! I haven't seen OITNB yet but everyone's so hyped about it I might have to start!

    Fii xo

  3. I hope you find a little mojo again soon! I started a new career about a year ago and so far I'm still ploughing on with writing alongside but it's getting harder and harder to juggle and give my all to everything...
    Love this though and jolly nice to find out more about you!
    And me?
    1. Your name, age, country, if you feel like sharing. :)
    Michelle, thirty-bloody-one, uk
    2. What is your most recent purchase?
    A beautiful dress from Asos, the first thing I've bought myself in ages. And a bottle of Hendricks for the husband.
    3. What is your favourite book and why?
    The Little Prince because it has a huge heart.
    4. On a Saturday morning, where are you and what are you doing?
    Up and at 'em early walking the pooches. Our favourite summer Sunday morning involves coffee and croissants enjoyed on the grass whilst the spaniels go nuts around us. It's a great start to the day.
    5. What TV show are you currently binge-watching or what book are you currently reading?
    Watching OITNB and sadly nearly finished, reading The Shock of the Fall which is marvellous.
    6. Do you prefer to be controversial or liked-by-everyone? I'm a people pleaser.
    7. Are you more introverted or extroverted? Intro but I fake extrovert pretty well.
    8. What was your first job? Chambermaid. Ick.
    9. What is your favourite painting? I wish I knew more about art but I don't so a classic maybe? I like The Scream.
    10. Leave links to where I can find more about you. Life Outside London

  4. I'm an avid follower-stalker so I often feel like I (creepily) know plenty about my readers haha. I know how you feel about not wanting to open the laptop after a day at work - lately I've hardly felt like blogging and the two times I have, I literally fell asleep at the keyboard! Here's hoping you get back in the swing of things again soon!

    1. Michelle, 24, Hong Kong :D
    2. The softest ever hot pink and orange Alexander McQueen skull scarf.
    3. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It's the first book I ever saved up enough pocket money to buy for myself!
    4. Either in bed with a coffee and Netflix, or headed out to an Outlying Island for a weekend adventure!
    5. Slowly tackling the newest season of OITNB...
    6. 'Liked-by-everyone' I suppose... although I like to voice my opinions in a gentle manner.
    7. So introverted it hurts.
    8. I was a takeaway girl! Standard Asian girl responses.
    9. Shamefully I don't have one.
    10. Teeny lil and @winyeemichelle on ALLDAPLACES.


  5. Nadine Heather Sadler18 June 2015 at 07:55

    1. Your name, age, country, if you feel like sharing. :) Nadine, 25, England.
    2. What is your most recent purchase? Food, always food. A lovely M&S salad actually so I can't complain too much.
    3. What is your favourite book and why? I've so many! But I just finished 'The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair' and it's still playing on my mind so I'll go with that one at the minute.
    4. On a Saturday morning, where are you and what are you doing? Most likely in bed, reading a book with a cup of tea or I've stayed at my boyfriend's and I'm still fast asleep.
    5. What TV show are you currently binge-watching or what book are you currently reading? Pretty Little Liars, I'm halfway through series 5 and absolutely obsessed. And I'm reading Child 44 which is incredible so far.
    6. Do you prefer to be controversial or liked-by-everyone? Ooh, good question. I'd say I'm a bit of both. There are some things I'm okay with being controversial about but in reality I'm big on the being liked by everyone thing.
    7. Are you more introverted or extroverted? A mixture of both - I appear very extroverted but I'm actually a very nervous person.
    8. What was your first job? Holland & Barrett health food store.
    9. What is your favourite painting? I wish I had one but unfortunately I don't know nearly enough about art.
    10. Leave links to where I can find more about you (your blog/twitter/instagram, etc). I'm over at, or you can find me on Twitter at @NadineHeatherBl or Instagram at nadineheatherxo


  6. aww such a sweet post! definitely partaking:

    1. Your name, age, country, if you feel like sharing. :) Jennifer, 20's, England
    2. What is your most recent purchase? some jelly belly peach beans!
    3. What is your favourite book and why? nourish, because its about great overall health (and food!)
    4. On a Saturday morning, where are you and what are you doing? sleeping? out on some adventure? chasing something pretty to photograph haha
    5. What TV show are you currently binge-watching or what book are you currently reading? the wire (so late i know), guilty pleasure, forensic files because im fascinated with science!
    6. Do you prefer to be controversial or liked-by-everyone? id like to say i dont care what people think but its often a lot easier to just be liked by the majority! less hassle..
    7. Are you more introverted or extroverted? i would say used to be extroverted but now more intro, anxiety issues ergh haha
    8. What was your first job? working in river island i think!
    9. What is your favourite painting? i love Jack Vanzet's work
    10. Leave links to where I can find more about you (your blog/twitter/instagram, etc).


  7. I'm faily new to your blog but have been enjoying reading so far :)

    1. Your name, age, country, if you feel like sharing. :)
    Emma, late 20s, UK.
    2. What is your most recent purchase?
    A new water bottle to replace the one I left on the train yesterday, Minion Movie cinema tickets, a packet of Skips and a Ripple bar.
    3. What is your favourite book and why?
    My favourite book is The Blue Nowhere by Jefferey Deaver, I like crime novels and I found this one very compelling. ave read it several times over now!
    4. On a Saturday morning, where are you and what are you doing?
    It depends, sometimes writing a shopping list for the week ahead in front of Saturday Kitchen or some weekends I am in the lab doing work.
    5. What TV show are you currently binge-watching or what book are you currently reading?
    Vikings. It's amazing.
    6. Do you prefer to be controversial or liked-by-everyone?
    I want to be liked by everyone, but I have a feeling I'm usually more controversial.
    7. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
    Extroverted, but I do like my me time.
    8. What was your first job?
    I worked in BHS and I hated it.
    9. What is your favourite painting?
    Water Lillies (sunset version) by Monet. Seeing it in real life was quite emotional for me!
    10. Leave links to where I can find more about you (your blog/twitter/instagram, etc).

    My blog is
    I tweet as @MissPond
    I instagram a lot as @misspond

    What a great idea for a post! I really enjoyed that x

  8. I haven't been reading your blog for long, but I love it! And don't feel pressured to blog if you're not up for it. It's a hobby, so it should be fun, right?

    1. I'm Mimmi, 20, from Sweden but living in Scotland
    2. A blouse from H&M. I popped in quickly, saw it on sale and couldn't resist...
    3. Oh this is difficult. I have so many, but Harry Potter will always be number one, if I have to choose.
    4. At home, eating breakfast, drinking a cup of tea, and reading blogs.
    5. I'm not watching any tv-series at all right now (shock horror), but I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (re-reading them over the summer).
    6. Controversial. I don't need everyone to like me, just the people that matter.
    7. Definitely more introverted.
    8. I was a nursing assistant in home care services.
    9. Monet's Water Lilies (all of them!)
    10. I blog over at, and on twitter and instagram I'm @mimmironning

    xx Mimmi, Muted Mornings

  9. I love this idea, i definately don't know enough about my readers!

    I haven't been feeling great about my blog lately either, I just need to take a break and try and come up with some new ideas!

    1. I'm Bethan, 20 and living in Devon.
    2. I haven't bought that much lately, but I did buy some books online. Lots of Haruki Murakami!
    3. That is really difficult... I love To Kill A Mockingbird, but for more contemporary probably Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran-Foer.
    4. Relaxing at home, maybe in bed on my laptop or reading a book.
    5. Just finished watching Once Upon A Time, need to find something else now!
    6. I think I have strong opinions and views so controversial, but I try to please people at the same time...
    7. Definitely introverted.
    8. Same as you, Waitrose on checkouts!
    9. Another difficult one! I love the Baader Meinholf paintings by Gerhard Richter.
    10. My blog - Twitter - @bethanlikes

    I enjoyed answering those! :) x

  10. 1. Amy, 22, Lincolnshire but soon Birmingham
    2. I'm about to try and find some more tops for my upcoming holiday
    3. This is so hard! I have three main faves: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier because I love the gothic feel of the novel, The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald because I think the language is just perfect and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer because I love what it says about language & grief even though it breaks my heart every time I read it
    4. At the minute I'm probably dragging myself to my retail job, which I'm very excited about leaving!
    5. I'm slowly watching Orange is the New Black and slowly reading The Goldfinch
    6. Liked by everyone, though my opinions are important to me
    7. Introverted!
    8. My first job was at Matalan, where I developed a real hatred of folding jeans and jumpers
    9. I wish I could say I had one!
    10. I have a blog at although it's definitely still a work in progress!


I love getting comments and receiving them, and I will always reply to them, even if it takes me a little while, please be patient!
