Monday, October 06, 2014

taking stock #4

Making: a Christmas cushion, getting started early!
Cooking: Peach jam and cinnamon buns.
Drinking: Hot chocolate, yup it's that time of year again.
Reading: The Witches of Eastwick, by John Updike.
Wanting: a good nights sleep for a change.
Watching: the Royal Swedish Ballet, last weekend, perform Juliet and Romeo.
Eating: one of my mum's plum and cinnamon muffins.
Deciding: on some future decisions.
Wishing: for a new watch..
Enjoying: misty mornings, cooler evenings, fresher air.
Waiting: for all my favourite TV shows to come back..! I'm caught up on Scandal and I'm excited for AHS..
Loving: the cinnamon buns I made, they're perfect.
Hoping: things go well this week.
Needing: to get organised.
Smelling: my new Frankincense and Myrrh candle, and my mum cooking some quince jelly.
Wearing: grey PJ pants, red sweater, bare feet,
Thinking: about Christmas, yes, already!
Hearing: I posted this mix earlier in the week and I've been listening to it non-stop, it's just a really good mixture of songs.
Feeling: cozy in my thick, winter duvet - you know that feeling is really good.
Admiring: my skin, whatever I'm doing at the moment, its working, it's slowly improving.
Buying: a shiny new iPhone 5s.. It's
Getting: very excited for the Knit & Stitch this weekend!


  1. loving your list!!!

  2. Mm need to make me some hot chocolate! Definitely in need of some well-needed rest too and the organization as well :D love this post! Cool photo too, made me click further in the first place ;) Maya - Archistas


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