Tuesday, September 02, 2014

end of summer walks

It's probably all psychological - but September definitely makes it feel like the weather is cooler and crisper. Throughout the summer I made good use of the local nature reserve and airfields, I'm always wandering about up there - it's a place I visit year round, and I really love to look at these photos I took in the snow last year to see the comparison. In the summer, there are ponies that graze there, lots of heather, blackberries, apples and everywhere is so, so green. Re-reading that post now is weird - back then, I was stuck in the midst of a hellish third year at university and I went there to get some peace - it is one of those places that always makes me feel a lot happier and calmer. 


  1. this is gorgeous! the photo with the horse looks like it's out of a fairytale!

    1. I didn't even realise there was horse there until I was right next to it! They were being suspiciously quiet, and then I saw his head poking out of the trees. (:

  2. It's so good to have somewhere which calms you. x

    1. isn't it? it's just really nice to go somewhere and switch off for a bit. x

  3. Ugh nature is so beautiful! I love the photo's you took!


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