Saturday, August 16, 2014

taking stock #4

Making: my fluorescent long-socks & working on an old, forever-knit (a blue and grey top, above you can see it in progress). They're both slow-going because my hand is hurting still.
Cooking: some sweet, dark-chocolate seedy nutty treats (recipe coming soon!).
Drinking: sparkling water.
Reading: The Snow Child, by Eowyn Ivey.
Wanting: to take a break from eating healthily, haha.
Watching: The Art of China, on iPlayer.
Eating: ice-creams which are only 90 calories - so damn good.
Deciding: what to do this afternoon.
Wishing: for more indulgent lie-ins, these early weekend starts are rough.
Enjoying: the latest issues of The Knitter + Oh Comely.
Waiting: for autumn.
Loving: the fact I finished work early today.
Hoping: for good weather, it's been on the turn this week.
Needing: more time, I feel like.
Smelling: mint.
Wearing: grey jeans, a new brown sweater from H&M (bare feet).
Thinking: about how quick this year has gone.
Hearing: Diane Birch.
Feeling: sleepy.
Admiring: my own perseverance.
Buying: new trainers - my first proper, branded pair - ever! Also, they're bright blue & green.
Getting: fitter and healthier everyday and feeling so good about it.


  1. LOVE these posts and I wish I could knit.

    1. Aw, thanks! It's one of those things that I'm just so glad I learnt to do - it's so rewarding!


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