Tuesday, August 19, 2014

each peach (pear) plum

I feel like I've eaten literally pounds of nectarines, peaches and plums this summer. Is it just me or have they been really good this year? Maybe it was all the rain we had earlier in the year, but I've noticed an abundance of them in the shops, and cheap, too. 
I've been putting them in smoothies and salads and just cutting them up and snacking on them whilst I knit or watch TV. They're so sweet that I almost forget I'm eating something relatively healthy - I picked up these giant peaches at Lidl the other day, they were the size of cooking apples and ripened perfectly and snagged a few plums cheap at work after my shift the other day.
Today I popped out to do some errands, and it felt noticeably cooler - like the weather is turning already. I look forward to autumn, and what that brings - but knowing that the summer is getting closer and closer to ending and that means the end of all the lovely cheap fruit in the shops makes me a little sad.
What are you really enjoying eating at the end of the summer? Let me know, and if you have any good recipes for stone-fruit, let me know those too!


  1. I love nectarines and peaches, I usually just eat 'em straight. Excited for them to come into season here!

    1. Our season is coming to an end so I've been buying them like mad - a friend of the family gave us a huge bag of plums from her tree and we froze them, I'm so looking forward to making stuff with them in the middle of winter!


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