Tuesday, August 26, 2014

blackberry season

If you follow me on Instagram - you'll know I had to say goodbye to the allotment this month, which made me pretty sad. It's something I've really enjoyed doing, particularly spending time with my dad, which isn't something I get to do a lot. We've had a difficult relationship over the years, but I feel like the time spent digging up potatoes has helped, a bit. 
Our last day there was spent picking the last of the blackberries from the hedges there, as well as picking the last of the damsons and digging up the final row of onions. It was kind of sad to say goodbye to it all - but I know there'll be other things that I'll enjoy in the future. I'll post the last photographs I took one day soon, but for now, I'm just sharing these of the blackberries.
Anyway, any ideas on what I can do with all these berries?! I've frozen a bunch already and my mum's already made a few jars of blackberry, apple and damson jelly (which tastes amazing). When my mum and dad are back from their little break, I think I might have a go at making us a blackberry pie, which is something I really enjoy.
Anyone have any suggestions? I'm open to anything and everything! 


  1. That's nice that you've made a connection with your dad through the allotment.
    I can't wait to start foraging for blackberries, we had so much fun doing it last year. My favourite recipe from last year was blackberry and apple turnovers made with puff pastry but this year I think I'll be giving a blackberry yoghurt cake a go.

    1. We had a mammoth picking session this weekend and got a load more, so we're definitely set for the autumn, I think. Blackberry yoghurt cake sounds amazing! I might have to give that a go...

  2. Love this! Blackberry and apple crumble is also yum!

  3. I always love a blackberry and apple pie, but they are also great for jam, or just have them with ice cream! The house we brought came with a load of raspberry and blackberry bushes - although we only managed to get about 3 berries from the blackberry, not sure what was going on there.

    1. Ah, that's a shame - there is some common right by our house and it's overrun with blackberry bushes, a few sloe-trees, crabapples and rosehips, so we're very lucky in that respect. My mum's first instinct is to make all the jam with it! I want to try something a little more adventurous, though..! x

  4. I've made sloe-gin and raspberry vodka before, so I can't see a blackberry gin being that hard to concoct!


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