Thursday, July 31, 2014


I love how green this is - I feel like I've been making the most of spending as much as I can of summer outside. I've also been spending time at the dis-used airfield near my house and the nature reserve nearby. With the exception of last week, when it has been Farnborough air-show, it's usually very quiet, with the odd dog or horse, and lots of slowly ripening blackberries. 
June involved a lot of trips to the allotment, which I post about here sometimes, as well as walks in the Peak district, and cherries from the tree in the garden. July was spent eaten giant apples, a lot of muffins, drinking coffee and peach & nectarine lemonade, and knitting. 
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, and let me know yours! I love finding new and interesting people to follow.


  1. ohmygoodness!!! all these photos are so beautiful!!!

  2. PS Completely random, I know!, but: I was nosing around your blog for your other links and on your sidebar your twitter button isn't linked :( and on your contact page the names are not linked to the approperate links. (ie your pinterest is linked to your instagram // twitter is linked to tumblr) :( I'm not trying to nitpick/be rude!!!! I just though you'd like to know!!! :)) Have a lovely day!!! xo

    1. Oh gosh, thank-you so much for letting me know! I was fiddling around with all the links and stuff the other day so that's probably why, thanks again for letting me know, that was very lovely of you (: xx

  3. Wow these photos are amazing! Going to find your instagram now x


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