Saturday, July 19, 2014

official blogger - achievement unlocked

Am I officially a blogger now? Slightly out of focus pink-peonies in a mason-esque jar. Ahhh, it makes me cringe to think about, haha. I just snapped these pictures because they finally opened after like four days, and thought they were cute - and as all the beauty blogs I read seem to have them artfully arranged in the background of their all-white-everything bedrooms, with their high-end YSL lipsticks artfully scattered in-front of their iMac's, I thought I'd share them here, presented with commentary.

I got these peonies super cheap at work the other day, I can't remember what they were reduced to, but they were only like £2-3 which is the most I pretty much ever pay for fresh flowers (cheapskate, I know, but I usually cut some from the garden or allotment). I work in a supermarket that has a good flower selection so I can sometimes pick up some bargains at the end of my shift. Anddd I shoved them in this old Douwe Eggberts coffee jar because it was the only thing I could find that wasn't being used.  

So there we go. Official Blogger achievement unlocked. And promptly revoked due to sarcasm.


  1. I'm the worst at getting my products to photograph artfully! I usually just prop the lipstick/eyeshadow/whatever up against a white pillow and try to simulate what a lightbox does. I live in a dorm room.. but I guess I could start bringing home some wildflowers just for the heck of it :)

    1. Haha I'm so bad at photographing products! If you look at my old beauty reviews... they were not good! I just photograph stuff on my windowsill because it's plain white and there is good light.. but I am no beauty blogger. Yeah, go ~forage~ for some artfully arranged wildflowers and you will be A+ top blogger! haha xx

  2. Congrats on the blogger achievement. +10
    I've been after some peonies but have shunned them a bit since they're everywhere right now and there are so many other flowers to choose from at this time of year. Still, they are lovely and I still wouldn't mind popping them on the windowsill in a jam jar ;)

    1. Next mission: photograph of me wearing entirely Zara clothes in the middle of a street. Pah, like I've ever shopped in Zara... haha.
      Yeah they're really beautiful flowers, but they're just ridiculously expensive and you're so right, there are much nicer flowers for much cheaper! Next time you must take approx 100 photographs on instagram of them, or you will be shunned by #bbloggers...

  3. Oh gosh, I would hate to live in a house which was decorated white. That's like you've just moved in and not put your own stamp on it. In my opinion.

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean! some of the blogs I read, their rooms don't look lived in! I have a few white walls in my room and one painted green one, but on the bare walls I have lots of pictures, photographs, prints, mirrors and nick-nacks, so I hope it looks lived in!


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