Sunday, February 09, 2014

these are a few of my favourite things

I've been watching The Great Interior Design Challenge (although I am getting a little tired of Bake-off spin-offs!) with my mum this week, and it's got me really thinking about my taste in interiors - I really couldn't think of anything worse than letting someone else design my bedroom or house?! Although it isn't exactly how I would want it, it's as close as i can it, living in my parents house. I spend a lot of time in my bedroom, and I love to have it just right (even if it's not always tidy.. shh), which got me thinking about whether I could relinquish decoration control of my little haven to someone else - the short answer is no. The long answer is.. well, could anyone really know what I want? What are some of the things that I love - natural items, crystals and wood and bark, earthy greens and browns, mixed with white walls and trinkets, old photographs and decorative glassware. But god knows what those designers would come up with - some of the awful things I have seen are fake panels decorated with wallpaper, painting beautiful original fireplaces and making some very questionable MDF shelving. 

Anyway, I am very proud of my little bedroom, and these are few of my favourite spots from around my room. My windowsill, has changed a little, and now features mainly plants, but I still have my vase of pheasant tail-feathers, my jars of rocks and shells, candles, my beautiful cigar boxes and testubes of San-Francisco sand and sea-water.
I am starting to have quite a lovely collection of art, too, including two beautiful prints from friends at my old internship that need to be hung, two paintings made by a friend from university (only one is awaiting to hung) as well as lots of lovely old postcards that aren't visible in these pictures. My current favourite 'Half Full' print that I picked up at free-art-swap in London a few years ago has pride of place, alongside two photos of the Salford skyline that my dad took in the 70's, which I think is now dominated by media city, and lots of framed bird feathers that I have found over the years, including my beautiful green-woodpecker feathers that I found at the allotment, some from my sad little woodcock friend, and pheasants and such.  I am also very fond of soft furnishings, my favourite being my handmade (by me!) quilt which is oh-so-soft and fleecy and will be with my for many a year to come.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your quilt, the colours are so warm and friendly. And you made it?!!! I like the 'half full' print, what a lovely reminder to be positive.



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