Thursday, February 06, 2014

fictional wishlist

I've always been a big reader,from when I was little and used to prefer reading to people and could read better and quicker than anyone in my school had for a long time. I used to make my mum read them to me until I got frustrated that I could read quicker than her (oops.. haha) so it's no surprise that I have ended up with a big wish-list of books on amazon that I am going to purchase as soon as I am through with my current lot. 

1. Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Joan Didion: I have read a few essays by Didion, and I always really like them, so want to read more. This is one of those things that has been sat on my wish list for a while but I keep putting off in favour of perhaps more exciting reads? I should stop that.
2. Under the Banner of Heaven, Jon Krakauer: This book has it's basis in that sort of sensationalist-true-crime style novels, which I always get sucked in by (see here), but seems more like a history of the violence of Mormons, and a critique of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, which intrigues me.
3. Red Sky at Night: The Book of Lost Country Wisdom,  Jane Struthers: I am quite romantic and captivated by the English countryside, and the reviews of this book make it seem perfect for people like me. 

4. Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man, Katherine K. Young and Paul Nathanson: Someone I follow on tumblr spoke about this book and it intrigued me, essentially. I want to be more well-read about feminism and I have heard that their books are a good place to start.
5. Atlas of Remote Islands: Fifty Islands I Have Not Visited and Never Will, Judith Schanlansky: On one of my brief forays into Good-reads I saw this book reviewed and thought it sounded really interesting - it reminds me initially of the work of the artist Charles Avery who makes artwork about an imaginary group of islands. I read a book about this work of his and I think the parallels would be interesting.
6. The Lowest Heaven, Various: I was recently in Greenwich with my friend Tam to see the Turner exhibition at the National Maritime Museum, and they had this book in the gift shop there. A collection of stories inspired by photographs from Greenwich Observatory sounds perfectly made for me, and I am 90% sure it will be my next purchase.

7. Bright Lights, Big City, Jay McInerney: I wanted to re-read American Psycho, basically, and then started wondering what other fiction in that vein is out there. Amazon recommended me this and I realised that I had it on my wishlist for a long time. I don't think it sounds as compelling as American Psycho, but it still looks interesting.
8. A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Rebecca Solnit: I got really into Solnit whilst writing my dissertation about walking, wanderlust and wanting to be other places, I read excerpts from this whilst writing it, and it has been waiting for me to purchase it ever since.
9. The Last Werewolf, Glen Duncan: This is the most recent addition, I think, as my friend Tam recommended it to me this week just gone. I implicitly trust her book recommendations as she has never led me astray, and this sounds like something I would enjoy, but never look for myself.

I knew that I liked to read a mixture of fiction/non-fiction, but I didn't know how heavily the non-fiction featured.. Let me know if you have read any of these and loved/hated them, or any recommendations you think I'd like based of these! 


  1. Ooh these all sound fabulous, I'm sure they'll make their way on to my must-read list now too! <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. I am glad I have sold them well to you! haha x


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