Saturday, September 07, 2013

travel memories

[image from]

This is one of those types of things that pops up on Pinterest all the time, and I never really pay that much attention to them - but then I saw this and I thought that it was such a good idea. I'm one of those people that keeps (hoards?) all kinds of things from when I've been on holiday somewhere. Like photos and ticket stubs and receipts and postcards and flyers and stuff.. and then they just waft about my room and sometimes I put the photos up but sometimes I forget... I definitely want to get something like this and try it out. I don't really like the colours and the stencils but I might collage some images or something on it? I'm not sure, but I like that they fit on the bookshelf like books!
I was thinking I should get some of the photos i took this last week on holiday printed out and it would make such a cute box.. hmn, ideas ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute idea. Me and my boyfriend have a box with all our holiday photo's/souvenirs/plane tickets in and love looking through them once in a while :)


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