Saturday, August 24, 2013

hector the humpback whale

Say hello to my little friend...! His name is Hector, and I knit him all by myself [well, with a little bit alot of help from my mum]. He wasn't hard to make, just a bit of a faff because the pattern was a bit of a mess, it's all over the place but the outcome was worth it, as I now have a cuddly little bedmate. He's a huge success with all my friends and everyone I've shown him too, but he's just so perfect, haha. Who knew a stuffed whale would make a twenty-three year old girl so happy?! 
The pattern was one I found on Ravelry, and it takes a bit of patience, but once you get into it it's not too bad. I knitted him in a fairly cheap grey acrylic (Stylecraft DK in Graphite) because it wasn't worth using anything fancy and he took about 150g worth of it (1 1/2 balls). 
I named him Hector, because I felt like he was a boy, and not a girl...


  1. This is amazing! I'd love to be able to knit like that x

  2. Wow this is so cute! Hector is an excellent choice of name. I wish I could knit like this (I wish I could knit in general, I even fail at making a scarf).
    Nina from little nomad


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