Wednesday, February 06, 2013

spending cuts

[This picture doesn't have much to do with this post, I just took it out my studio window the other day and I really liked the orange windows.]

So I need to place myself under a bit of a spending ban. That means no more clothes or frivolous makeup purchases, and to stop buying as much in charity shops because I think I am quickly becoming a hoarder. Anyway, that is  beside the point. I had to move back home for a little bit because of a few weeks, because of some health issues in my family, including myself. So I'm back home, which saves money on food, but I haven't decided whether or not I will be going back to my uni home yet, so I'm currently still spending money on rent, and commuting into uni so I will be spending more on petrol.. with an upcoming trip to Venice at the end of February, as well as deciding to take some unpaid leave from work because of the stress that I've been going through with everything.. well I need to save money. Taking a few weeks off work means I'll be down over £200, so I need to recoup this somewhere. I have a lot of money saved, and my student loan but I don't want to dip into my savings, and need to stop using my loan for frivolous purchases!
So, that means no spending, until I go to Venice. That means my two coffee a day habit at uni will have to stop, plus stop buying expensive drinks from the canteen and breakfast when I can't be bothered. This will save me between £2-£8 every day! Making lunch and taking a bottle of water will be cheaper and healthier, so I need to do that. Looking at my makeup collection I know that I have absolutely way too much makeup and beauty things, so there is no-way I need anymore. I told myself I would only buy "essentials" (ie, when I run out of something) but then I found myself buying a new foundation and a new moisturiser which cost me over £50 altogether... ugh. 
Anyway, Tabitha over at ScaredToast does Diary of a Spendaholic where she marks down how much she is spending every week and I think writing it down will really help me see how much I'm wasting, hopefully. So I'm going to try and write down in my diary how much I'm spending to help motivate my saving! 
Does anyone want to join me in this venture? Hopefully, I will keep you updated with my amazing progress, haha.

1 comment:

  1. sounds very clever! i should do this too. i find myself looking for new beauty buys and new warm sweaters all the time..


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