Saturday, July 28, 2012

weekend wanderings #4

  • Kate Broughton's etsy store is just full of things I adore - birds and nail transfers and owls, oh my. I wnat the temporary tattoos an I reallly want a tote bag. I am tempted!
  • I've had the Russian Tattoo Encyclopedia on my Amazon wishlist for a while now - I really want it.. but spending £14 on a book I want just because I want to look at pretty illustrations is not something I can justify. I'm going to see if my uni library has it when I go back, though.
  • I think if I tried this method of making wall art from record sleeve covers, my housemate would kill me. He has a very extensive collection of vinyl and he treats them meticulously, and loves the images/design of them. He might not appreciate it if I started cutting them up! They do look pretty, though.
  • This beautiful house on's blog post showcasing Anna Dorfman's house is simply beautiful - it's kind of exactly everything I want my house to be when I'm older? A stunning mixture of modern, clean architecture and furniture with interesting ornamentation, and bold colours on the walls and beautiful prints. Sigh, can you tell I love it?! haha.
  • With the Olympics now upon us, take a minute to check out the last billboard on this post. Everything I love and hate about the Olympics in one post. Or there is always Paddy Power's trolling LOCOG with this one..
  • The blog I'm into this week is a bit different for me, it's the cooking blog Dragon's Kitchen - I made their caramel cupcakes earlier in the week and they tasted so good! They weren't quite as pretty, but they tasted fantastic. There are few more recipes on their blog that I really want to try. I might as well get back in the swing of baking in time for fundraising next year!


  1. I'm currently decorating my room and these pictures are very inspiring, I LOVE the owls!

    1. Aw, i'm glad they were helpful! I've recently redone my room too so looking at home-decor images are really fun for me! haha, thanks for reading! (: x


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