Thursday, May 31, 2012

taking a minute

I've had a lot going on recently, this is the first morning I feel like I've been able to sit and think! I've been working a lot of overtime shifts at work to try and save up some pennies before everyone returns from uni, as well as running back and forth between university, London, and running errands for my mum! 
The sun has gone today but I've been sitting in the garden whenever I catch a moment, and I think it would be really good to fill you in on whats been happening in my life. I recently had my work exhibited in an art-show in London that some friends from my course put on.. and I sold a piece of work! That's the first sale that I've ever made from a piece of art work, so I was completely overwhelmed. The piece I showed was this set of four prints, that I posted earlier this month. And the piece that sold was the top left had print, this one here
That was the first piece of good news. Then gradually, my marks for this year came out.. I was beyond happy. I had three unit marks to get back, two that were worth 15 credits, and the big one that was worth 30 credits.. I got mid-range 2:1's for the 15 credit units, and then, to my complete astonishment and joy, I got a comfortable first for my big 30 credit unit! I am still a little bit in shock, as its the first time I've pushed over into the first boundary for something that isn't essay/writing based. All in all, I am incredibly happy.
I just wanted to share these pieces of news with you guys! Let me know if you've got any good news to share with me. (: I'm off to see Snow White and the Huntsman tonight with my friend Gemma and have a good, well-needed gossip!


  1. Congrats on the good news and enjoy the minute! :)

    1. Thankyou! I think I get caught up in the everydayness of life and forget to! xx


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